

— “This Mastermind is a must for anyone, any business, any group that wants to develop as a leaders. I feel more equipped and more capable of being a leader after having been part of John Maxwell’s Leadership Mastermind. And there is nobody more inspiring and enthusiastic than Adrienne Ross to lead any John Maxwell Mastermind. Period!” ~Jill Haman, Developing the Leader Within You 2.0


— “Both Masterminds have been excellent. I have grown as an individual and as a communicator. I have learned how to not just communciate better, but also how to connect better with my co-workers and my family.” ~Elzena Simmons, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth & Everyone Communicates, Few Connect


— “The strategies and insight laid out in this Mastermind have the potential to completely turn around the momentum and success of our organization. The ball is now in my court and my responsibility to make something happen.” ~Chad Schuessler, Christ Church of the Heartland, Developing the Leader Within You 2.0


— “I have been called out and truly challenged. So many topics were discussed that deepened my understanding of being a leader. More than anything, I learned about where I am as a leader and how I can continue to grow.”  ~Kelsey Friedrich, Christ Church of the Heartland, Developing the Leader Within You 2.0


— “I receive value from each Mastermind I have done. Adrienne, you will not stop drilling until you see we are growing. You don’t give in or up on up on us. I LOVE the relationship formed, and I love that they do not stop when the classes end.” ~Sherri Uren, 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth; Everyone Communicates, Few Connect, & Developing the Leader Within You 2.0


— “This Mastermind group was valuable to me in several ways, but the most impactful was realizing I need to grow and intentionally move toward that end, recognizing that if I don’t take action and plan, I will be stuck in the same place I’ve always been. Listening to the other group members helped me see I should never accept less than what I’m capable of or less than what I could be. I can’t “fall forward” — I must intentionally move forward.” ~Kiya Cordeau, Developing the Leader Within You 2.0


— “I would really encourage others to join a Mastermind because we all need improvement on how to connect with others. I really enjoyed the challenge it provided me, especially through the self-evaluation. It’s beneficial to uncover something new about yourself that pushes you to want to either improve or change.” ~Letitia Robbins, Everyone Communicates, Few Connect


— “The Mastermind is a challenging time together to evaluate life, where you are, and where you want to be. Helpful tool to learn how to start the process of becoming it.” ~Sarah Robison, Christ Church of the Heartland, Developing the Leader Within You 2.0



— “A big benefit I received from the workshop is WHAT you do may shift or change but WHY you do what you do, which is PURPOSE, remains the same. What a revelation!! God is forever moving us closer and closer to our purpose, which makes sense why vocations (jobs or occupations) may shift or change before we reach our final destination. It’s a process, and I believe knowing this truth relieves a lot of anxiety and frustration. I would encourage anyone who feels stuck and knows they were called to do more or something different, to participate in this workshop. It is truly life-changing and will inspire you to not quit and finish strong!” ~Nita Dubose, Push to Purpose Empowerment Workshop


— “Adrienne Ross did an amazing job facilitating the Push Your Way to Purpose. I recommend this to anyone striving to be in their purpose. Even if you think you’ve arrived in your purpose, you can still learn more about moving into the next level. Adrienne gives clear steps in overcoming obstacles and recognizing them when they come. Push Your Way to Purpose is a must-do! Sign up for the next workshop. I promise you won’t regret it.” ~Kristi King, Push to Purpose Empowerment Workshop



— “I thought your speech was inspirational and that you should give more speeches in other schools around the nation so you can inspire other students. You showed us who we are and you showed everyone that they’re worth more than what they think. You have no idea how many hearts you’ve touched telling someone that they are worth something to the world. Continue doing what you do best: INSPIRE.” ~Saima H., Grade 8, 13 years old


— “The presentation was truly amazing and inspirational. I felt like I could really connect when Ms. Ross was speaking about fear. I am afraid of many things, but that fear is what motivates me to push through it all. I was also inspired when she spoke about making your dream come true, no matter what other people say or think.” ~Lauren, Grade 9, 14 years old


— “Your speech was powerful! I think your personal testimony was the most moving part. As you know, junior high kids are tough critics; if they don’t get it or like it, they will let you know. You were very well-received, and that speaks volumes.” ~Karen Grener-Antonelli, Teacher


— “The speech was amazing! It was very motivational. You helped me realize something very important: Our lives are not about us; it’s about our dreams. You were talking about leaving a mark on someone’s life. I want you to know that you left a mark on my life.” ~Tahrima S., Grade 8, 15 years old


— “The presentation about Martin Luther King by Ms. Ross today was very well done and inspirational. She made kids realize they can make a difference like Dr. King.” ~Dane, Grade 10, 16 years old


— “‘Inspiring,’ ‘captivating,’ ‘thought-provoking’: words I would use to describe my experience as I listened to Ms. Adrienne Ross speak. Whether you are an adult or a young person, Ms. Ross has a way of getting on your level, identifying with you, and speaking straight to your heart.” ~Krista Manchuck, Teacher


— “Ms. Ross was funny. She wasn’t one of those people who stays on the topic and bores you to death. She grabbed the attention of all with her stories and her comedy.” ~Walter, Grade 9, 14 years old


— “Ms. Ross’s presentation gave me motivation for my dreams in life and made me overjoyed to see her.” ~Kayleigh M., Grade 8, 14 years old


— “Ms. Ross taught us not to give up and to keep trying. She’s excellent at inspiring kids to follow their goals. I hope she goes around to other schools to inspire even more kids.” ~Emily C., Grade 8, 13 years old


— “Just listened to your video of the speech you did at CHS. Gave me chills!” ~Gianna S., 19 years old

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